Analysis of geological stock and historical data
Historical data, such as the results of previous geological exploration, studies of earlier deposits, and geological reports, can provide valuable insights into the potential resources of the studied area.

Tectonic and Structural Modeling
Tectonic activity assessment can help identify potential zones for mineral concentration. Structural modeling assists in identifying areas of tectonic faults and folds where mineral deposits may be concentrated.

Geophysical Investigations
Geophysical methods allow the study of subsurface structures and anomalies related to the presence of mineral deposits.

Geochemical Investigations
Geochemical methods are based on the analysis of chemical composition, where anomalies may indicate the presence of mineral deposits.

Spectral Analysis of Remote Sensing Data (Satellite Imagery)
The method is based on the analysis of spectra reflected from the Earth's surface and allows the identification of various minerals, rocks, and other geological features that may be inaccessible through traditional research methods. The imagery enables the detection of anomalies related to mineralization, which can indicate the presence of minerals and mineral resources. This approach allows for the exploration of remote and hard-to-reach areas, such as mountainous regions or areas with limited infrastructure.

Geological Mapping
The creation of maps that display the geological structure of the Earth's surface, including the distribution of rocks, minerals, tectonic structures, faults, and other geological features.