TOO «Terra Exploration»
 +7 (727) 236-08-78
 +7 (727) 236-08-74
+7 (727) 385-47-56


Earth Remote Sensing (ERS)
  • Ordering and delivering of high, medium and low resolution satellite data acquired by both optical and radar systems.
  • Aerial surveys using UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle).
  • Processing of aerial and satellite images;
    • image bridging to reference GPS / GCP points;
    • creation of digital terrain and surface models;
    • creation of high resolution orthophotoplans
    • creation of seamless orthophotomosaics;
    • 3D modeling.
  • Low-altitude magnetometer survey using UAV.
  • Interpretation, analysis and thematic processing of aerial / space images to create maps for inventory (soil, ecosystems, etc.), assessment (land degradation, soil salinization, etc.), forecast and recommendation purposes and other.
  • Creation of information and analytical systems for space monitoring.
  • Development and implementation of geographic information systems (GIS) from personal to corporate levels (desktop, corporate and Web GIS, geoportal).
  • Organization and systematization of data to solve various tasks in environmental protection, nature conservation and ecological design, environmental management, geological exploration, topography and cartography.
  • Collection, analysis and systematization of thematic information based on modern technologies (GIS, database management systems (DBMS), etc.).
  • Vectorization of geological archive and current materials, creation and updating of topographic maps and plans.
  • Development of modules and applications based on ArcGIS software products (data management, analysis and modeling).
  • Digital cartography, organization of geodata bases.
  • Processing and analysis of spatial data.
  • Technical support for the developed geographic information systems, applications and modules.
Geodesy, Land Management and Reclamation
  • Engineering and geodetic surveys. Construction and development of planimetric and altimetric survey networks. Creation of topographic plans of various scales. Survey of underground and overground structures (utility lines) and tracing of linear structures.
  • Geodetic surveys at construction. Staking out (setting out works), provision of construction and installation works, preparation of as-built documentation etc.
  • Geodetic referencing of geological openings, hydrologic sections, points of geophysical exploration.
  • Land management works. Preparation and approval of land management projects and land cadastral documentation. Geodetic works for the land cadastre. Setting coordinates of boundary markers or offsetting known points by coordinates, cadastral survey, preparation of acts on land plot selection, formation of boundary plans, creation of reference boundary networks. Demarcation of land plots (restoring boundaries of a land management object on site).
  • Determination of technologically disturbed areas. Assessment of territories according to the extent of soils and ground contamination.
  • Monitoring of surface changes using geodesic methods, at different stages of design / construction of facilities and related activities. Spatial modeling of objects during geodetic monitoring of deformation processes.
  • Development of working projects for reclamation of technologically disturbed, being disturbed and contaminated lands, top soil stripping, conservation and use at different stages of design / construction of facilities and related activities. Designer’s field supervision of reclamation projects implementation.
Geological Design and Explorations
  • Design in the area of solid minerals geology.
  • Search for mineral deposits using modern technologies;
  • interpretation of geological structures;
  • separation of lithological and petrographic species of rocks using methods of classification and mineral indices;
  • allocation of ore-bearing zones or zones of metasomatism according to reference objects;
  • mapping of thermal anomalies, etc.
  • Analysis of archive materials and remote sensing data (ERS) to identify promising areas for solid minerals.
  • Geophysical, geochemical field studies with express analysis of samples.
  • High-precision magnetic survey from UAV. Processing and analysis of magnetic data and creation of database and a set of composite maps.
  • Geological support for drilling operations.
  • Engineering services and expert work in the area of subsoil use and mining industry.
Nature Conservation and Environmental Design. Integrated Natural Systems and Environment Surveys
  • Development of projects for assessment of environmental impacts from intended operations; Pre-EIA, EIA, Environmental Protection Chapter.
  • Development of ecological permit documents – Application for emissions, Program of industrial ecological control, environmental protection action plan, waste management program etc.
  • Calculation of MPE standards using certified software complex – “ERA” Unified Air Pollution Calculation Program.
  • Monitoring of onshore and offshore ecosystems and biodiversity.
  • Assessment and analysis of man-made pollution of various environmental components.
  • Ecological surveys, including field studies, comprising thematic mapping of current state of natural complexes as a whole and separately, of their components (landscapes, ecosystems, soils, vegetation, etc.), development based on cartographical models of assessment and forecast and recommendation contexts (map of ecological sensitivity of ecosystems and biodiversity, anthropogenic disturbance of lands, productivity of lands, etc.);
  • Preparation and holding public hearings on EIA projects.
  • Conducting industrial environmental monitoring on the boundary of sanitary protection zone (SPZ) of an enterprise.
  • Development of integrated programs for mitigation of adverse environmental impacts from industrial operations of enterprises.